
South Manchester


You can join South Manchester u3a at any time of the year. Membership renewal takes place on 1st January.

Full Annual Membership Fee

If you join from 1st May

If you join from 1st September




If you are already a member of another u3a and wish to participate in one or more of our interest groups, you can become an associate member of South Manchester u3a for a fee of £7.50

New Member Registration and Payment

Existing Member Subscription Renewal

Download the Membership Registration Form

Fill it in, scan it and email it to Membership Enquiries

You will be contacted by the Membership Secretary who will assign you a membership number and tell you how much to pay for your current year's membership.

You can make your payment by bank transfer to our account

Account Name:

Account Sort Code:

Account Number:

South Manchester u3a



Please make sure that you include your name and membership number in the reference section.

You can pay by cash or card at one of our general meetings.

You can pay by cheque made out to South Manchester u3a. Contact the Treasurer for the address of where to send your cheque.

Membership subscription renewal is on 1st January each year. We encourage members to set up a standing order with their bank to pay £15 on every 1st January.

To set up a standing order, download the Standing Order Mandate Form. Fill this form in and send or take it to your bank who will set up the standing order. If you bank online, you can set up this standing order yourself

If you are joining as an associate member please download the Standing Order Mandate Form for Associate Members

Membership subscription are due on 1st January each year

You can make your payment by bank transfer to our account

Account Name:

Account Sort Code:

Account Number:

South Manchester u3a



Please make sure that you include your name and membership number in the reference section.

You can pay by cash or card at one of our general meetings.

You can pay by cheque made out to South Manchester u3a. Contact the Treasurer for the address of where to send your cheque.

We advise you that the simplest method for renewing your membership is by standing order payment from your bank every 1st January.

To set up a standing order, download the Standing Order Mandate Form. Fill this form in and send or take it to your bank who will set up the standing order. If you bank online, you can set up this standing order yourself

If you are renewing as an associate member please download the Standing Order Mandate Form for Associate Members